Today's top ten tag trends:
10: #theatlantic
9: #hegseth
8: #PhotoMonday
7: #palantir
6: #Fotomontag
5: #mastobada
4: #greenland
3: #signal
2: #worrywartasongorpoem
1: #monsterdon
Today's top ten tag trends:
10: #theatlantic
9: #hegseth
8: #PhotoMonday
7: #palantir
6: #Fotomontag
5: #mastobada
4: #greenland
3: #signal
2: #worrywartasongorpoem
1: #monsterdon
Yogi Bear is smarter than the average bear,
Yogi Bear is always in the Ranger's hair,
At a picnic table you won't find him there,
Since Trump's gutting park budgets without any care...
Rough winds do vex the darling buds of May
Someone To Kvetch Over Me
Mr. Sandman...
I'm so alone
But never dreamt you'd invade my home!
So please, be nicer than you seem
Mr. Sandman, GET OUT or I'll SCREAM!!!
Fiddler on the Roof: If I Worry Rich Men
30 Weird Toilets That’ll Haunt Your Dreams!"
Ever seen a toilet that screams ‘nightmare’? Check out these 30 bizarre and unsettling pics that’ll make you hug your own bathroom. From creepy designs to cursed vibes, this list is wild!
Click for the full scoop:
#SilentSunday #tatort #monsterdon #worrywartasongorpoem #Webdev #Funny #Home
My little horse must think it queer
To stop without a farmhouse near
Between the woods and frozen lake
The DARKEST evening of the year.
He gives his harness bells a shake
To ask if there is some mistake.
The only other sound’s the sweep
Of easy wind and #snowflake.
The woods are lovely and DARK, and #DeepState and #snowflakes will censor "#queer",
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep…
The mother turned 'round
For a soap off the rack
She was only a moment
But when she turned back
Her country had gone
And in anguish she cried,
Oh, where has my country gone?"
The angels replied...
Country has gone down the plug hole
Oh, your country has gone down the plug
The poor little thing
Was fascistic from spin
It should have been washed in a jug
In a jug...
The time has come, the walrus said to speak of many things, of paws on snow and animal tracks and badgers…such fierce things! and why this tea is boiling hot, and whether mugs leave rings.
Splish splash, I might drown in the bath.
Robert Burns: To a Mouse
(point of view of a profound worry wart)
Didn't I blow your mind this time, didn't I? Well, didn't I? Please say I did!
Ah sugar, ah honey honey
You are my candy girl
And you've got me wanting you
Ah honey, ah sugar sugar
You are my candy girl
And you've got me wanting you
Wait, this isn’t sugar, am I getting strung out on coke
A rose by any other name would still smell as sweet
Ouch, be careful of the thorns
She was just 17.
Oh no, isn’t the age of consent 18 here?
U Mustn't Touch This
Jerry Was a Pace Car Driver
Hymn: How Greyed Thou Wart